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I’ll now be covering defense for (I’ll still be writing for Uncommon Defense, too, though not as often). You can find me on Forbes here.

U.S. Navy SEALs Want Kamikaze Drones

What’s that object circling the terrorist hideout? Is it a drone? Is it a missile? No, it’s a loitering munition, otherwise known as a “kamikaze drone.” And the U.S. Navy wants them. Loitering munitions (the U.S. military actually doesn’t like the name “kamikaze drone”) are among the more peculiar weapons of the Drone Age. They…

Is China Too Scared to Risk Its Navy in Combat?

By the time the First World War erupted in 1914, Imperial Germany had spent a fortune building a potent fleet of battleships to challenge the Royal Navy. And what did these battleships do for most of the war? Nothing, because Kaiser Wilhelm II feared the humiliation of losing his battlefleet. Will today’s China also hesitate…

Think Drone Swarms Are Scary? The Newest Weapon May Be “Drone Meshes”

One potentially fearsome new weapon is the drone swarm, a flock of hundreds of small unmanned aerial vehicles working together like a hive mind to overwhelm a target. But U.S. thinktank RAND has another idea: a “targeting mesh” of small, unarmed drones that would saturate a target area with sensors that would identify high-value targets…

Flying Bomb Trucks: Will “Arsenal Planes” Make Bombers Obsolete?

Suggesting fighter and bomber pilots are truck drivers isn’t very nice. But military aircraft are essentially delivery trucks. They fire cannon, drop bombs, take photographs or haul cargo. But ultimately, their utility is a function of the payload they carry. So if a lumbering transport aircraft can haul missiles as well as a sophisticated bomber,…

Tired of Jet Lag? DARPA’s Bioimplants May Help

Jet lag is nature’s reminder that while humans can fly around the world, they still leave their body clocks at home. It’s taxing enough for most of us, but particularly so for military personnel — such as pilots and special forces — who may be deployed to distant locations on short notice. DARPA, the Pentagon’s…


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